Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction (TMJD)

There are four major movers of the Jaw. Temporalis, Medial Pterygoid, and Masselter all close the Jaw, while lateral Pterygoid attaches the disc and initiates opening.

Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction (TMJD) is misalignment of the jaw sustained by muscular imbalances.  

Symptoms of TMJD include difficulty to completely open the mouth wide, pain in the face or jaw, especially around the ear, and difficulty chewing.

Trismus, also known as “lockjaw” occurs when the lateral Pteygoid fails to move the cartilaginous disc into place.

We study structure and compensation patterns of the entire body. Since the TMJ is at the top of the body it is important to understand the Righting Reflex. The Right Reflex is a reflex correction of the musculoskeletal system to ensure that the eyes see the horizon line level. Simply put, the body (usually the neck) will adjust itself into a new position to allow the eyes to see level. Understanding the Righting Reflex is another important part of addressing and treating TMJD.
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