Neuromuscular Reprogramming
Neuromuscular Reprogramming is a series of neurological muscle tests used to identify and correct coordination dysfunctions that often cause joint misalignment, pain, and degeneration. When applied to the entire body, NMR locates the overpowering force, and the segments of the body that are negatively affected by it. Muscular relationships are then balanced in each plane of motion within the joint, and throughout the entire body.
Think of all of your muscles as a baseball team, and the weight of your body as the ball; nobody on the team ever passes the ball to the guy that always drops it, creating a faulty firing pattern.
Neuromuscular Reprogramming locates the muscle that always drops the ball, and then resolves individual muscular relationships, balancing the overpowering force to the rest of the body. The testing strengthens the neurological connection between the brain and the weak muscle, and strengthens the firing pattern between the once overpowering force to those it overpowered.